Saturday, September 17, 2011

Prolapse of Female Genital Organs

Genital prolapse is a HERNIA that occurs when pelvic organs (uterus, bladder and rectum) slip down from their normal anatomical position and either protrude into the vagina or press against the wall of the vagina. The pelvic organs are usually supported by ligaments and the muscles, connective tissue and fascia which are collectively known as the pelvic floor. Weakening of or damage to these support structures allows the pelvic organs to slip down.

The condition is most common in postmenopausal women who have had children, but can also occur in younger women and women who have not had children. It is estimated that at least half the women who have had more than one child have some degree of genital prolapse (although only 10-20% complain of symptoms).

What are the causes of urinary incontinence and how is it managed?

How does the bladder function and how do we keep dry (i.e. continent)?  
     In normal circumstances the bladder fills up with urine with its muscular wall remains relaxed and its outlet (the urethra) remains closed to keep the urine contained inside it (i.e. to remain continent). The filling of the bladder with urine occurs unnoticed until a good volume of urine is reached. The bladder will then send signals to the brain, which will perceive the sensation of wanting to pass urine. Under appropriate conditions, the brain will then consciously control the emptying of the bladder by causing contraction of the muscular wall of the bladder and relaxation of muscles of the bladder outlet (urethra).

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Epal Mampu Susutkan Lemak Tanpa Berdiet

  Hiruk pikuk musim perayaan meninggalkan kita, kini berharap semoga dapat menyusutkan lemak tambahan hasil bersukaria ‘sempena’ pesta perayaan. Perbahasa lama Barat ‘makan sebiji epal sehari, tidak perlu melawati doktor’ umum sudah mengetahui. Tetapi kini rombakan saranan itu terkandung dalam Program 3-epal sehari, ini kerana mampu menyusutkan berat badan sebanyak beberapa paun. Beberapa tahun lepas, di Bandar Wenatchee, Washington, Amerika Syarikat, berat badan penduduk di situ mula susut, bukan disebabkan kurang makan, diet terkini atau pil pelangsingan tetapi melalui perubahan gaya hidup yang mendatangkan hasil cukup mengejutkan.

           Seorang wanita susut 19 paun lemak badannya sepanjang 12 minggu. Manakala seorang lelaki pula berjaya susut 35 paun dalam jangkamasa yang sama. Keseluruhannya seramau 346 orang mengikuti program tersebut susut lebih daripada 6,000 paun lemak dalam masa 12 minggu. Bagaimana ia berlaku? Dengan hanya memakan tiga biji Washington Apples sehari, disamping program pemakan dan senaman yang seimbang.

Monday, September 12, 2011

70% LUL sufferers in M’sia women - survey

70 per cent LUL sufferers in M’sia women — Survey

Posted on May 20, 2011, Friday

KUCHING: A recent global survey by Poise revealed that 70 per cent of Malaysian adults experiencing light urinary leakage (LUL) are women.

Adding to the statistical disadvantage, it is also more commonly experienced by women when they are pregnant and after childbirth due to the strain on the pelvic floor muscles.

Lemah Kawalan Kencing (LUL)

  • Apa perasaan anda sekiranya menghadiri mesyuarat penting, tetapi terpaksa berulang alik ke tandas untuk menunaikan 'hajat'?
  • Adakah ia memberi kesan terhadap prestasi kerja? 
  • Bagaimana pula tanggapan rakan sekerja? 
Pastinya persoalan sebegini bermain di fikiran setiap wanita berkerjaya yang mengalami permasalahan Lemah Kawalan Kencing (LUL) yang mengakibatkan mereka kerap membuang air kecil.

Peranakan Turun Tanda Lantai Pelvik Lemah.

     Sistosele atau Cystocele adalah situasi prolaps dasar pundi kencing pada wanita. Ia biasanya berlaku akibat kelemahan lantai pelvis (pelvic floor) selepas bersalin dan menyebabkan pengembungan dinding anterior vagina apabila meneran.
      Sistosele juga boleh berlaku daripada rengangan berlebihan seperti melahirkan anak, sembelit kronik dan mengangkat barang berat. Biasanya keadaan ini berlaku selepas menopaus iaitu apabila estrogen berkurangan. Wanita berusia dan wanita yang melahirkan ramai anak lebih mudah untuk mengalami sistosele.

      Bagi sistosele ringan dan sederhana, penjagaan sendiri atau rawatan tanpa pembedahan adalah lebih berkesan. Dalam kes sistosele teruk, pembedahan mungkin diperlukan untuk memastikan vagina dan organ-organ pelvik dalam kedudukan yang sepatutnya.

Friday, September 9, 2011

What is Pelvic Floor and Why it's so important ...

What is my pelvic floor? 
Your pelvic floor is a broad sling of muscles, ligaments and sheet-like tissues. It stretches from your pubic bone at the front of your body to the base of your spine at the back. 

 The pelvic floor is sometimes compared to a trampoline, as it can stretch in response to weight and bounce up again! 

Unlike a trampoline, however, if it bears weight for a long time (as it does during pregnancy), the muscles or tissues can become over-stretched and weak. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Aquaflex Pelvic Floor exercise

A unique system of cones and weights specifically designed to help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Can also be used to aid stress incontinence. (NB. Not suitable for use during pregnancy).

Aquaflex has been specially designed to help women who accidentally leak urine when they laugh, cough, sneeze or exercise. This condition is medically known as stress incontinence.